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herbs and spices

“Our Food Should Be Our Medicine & Our Medicine Should Be Our Food”


Meet  Jessica

Mom, Herbalist, Teacher, Permaculturist, Plant Enthusiast, Life Time Student.

I am a board member of our local Herbal Guild. We are a non profit under the umbrella of Herbalists Without Borders. We offer monthly classes in the inland northwest, you can find out more on their website


One of my responsibilities for the Guild is the website, it has an incredible resource page and if you are interested in who and what I think are great herbal resources (books, podcasts, local herbalists, schools and more), please head over to the site and check it out!

The Faire is the beginnings of the Herbal Community in Spokane, in 2014 Michael "Skeeter" Pilarski sat some of us down and suggested we create an herbal gathering in Spokane. After a few years of the Faire we had finances, and needed to figure out what else we could do with the money and community. Slowly we birthed the Four Seasons Herbal Guild, and we merged with Herbalists Without Borders.

The Faire happens each Spring, and is a beautiful conglomeration of herbalists, workshops, tea and wonderful people. The whole event is very inexpensive and serves as a fundraiser for our HWB operations.

Subscribe! Be in the know for workshops!

I will NOT share your email, I will email you once a month or less! (depending on what I'm teaching!)

Herbalism Workshops



Natural Herbs

What I Make

Salves, Tinctures, Syrups, Elixirs, Electuaries, Passtilles, the list goes on, everything is ethically wildcrafted, or if purchased it has come from an ethical, organic source, such at Mountain Rose Herbs. Email  me for more information, it will take me some ore time before I get them all up online and available.

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